Chloé | 08 - 09 Months

Well despite my best intentions, this summer was wild and the months really got away from me! As well as we went on a really fun and long road trip where I ended up leaving my camera in Portland for a month or two. Thank God for our friends who we stayed with there bringing it back to me in San Diego, because no way would I feel okay shipping my other electronic baby. Then I planned on taking Chlo’s 7 month photos but we moved suddenly and I literally had no time. So here we are!

At seven months Chloé Bug was doing a hilariously exaggerated army crawl, and would get up and rock on her hands and knees.

She hates headbands and I have to distract her like crazy to get her to keep them on. Bug likes being naked and puts up a stink when its time to get dressed. She sometimes says hi, (sounds like eyeee), and says Mama. Mama can apparently be applied to anything, but what really melts my heart is when she wakes me up in the morning by petting my face and saying “Mama”. Chloe is also working on a very subtle wave to go with her hi, and said Dada a week after Mama. Nine months on the dot, she popped her first tooth through!

Chloé - 8 month (1 of 12).jpg
Chloé - 8 month (6 of 12).jpg
Chloé - 8 month (9 of 12).jpg
Chloé - 8 month (12 of 5).jpg
Chloé - 8 month (14 of 5).jpg
Chloé - 8 month 2 (2 of 1).jpg
Chloé - 8 month 2 (3 of 1).jpg
Chloé - 8 month 2 (6 of 1).jpg
Chloé - 8 month 2 (8 of 1).jpg
Chloé - 8 month 2 (7 of 1).jpg

Creative Confession


Chloé | 04 Months